HIIT Me Baby (How Many Times?)
Hands up if you ran to a HIIT class in the days following Thanksgiving to fight off holiday pounds. We know-- HIIT workouts are all the...

Ingredient Spotlight: Avocado Addicted
We all know avocados rock. After all, avocado prices have soared after millennials adopted them as their favorite green fruit. The best...

How Much Exercise is Needed to Fight Off Depression? Science Has the Answer
It's widely known that there is a clear correlation between exercise and depression. Many doctors recommend meditation and a good sweat...

Ingredient Spotlight: Pumped Up for Pumpkins!
If you saw our recent article which shared our recipe for Chocolate Chip Coconut Pumpkin Bars, you may have been able to tell that we at...

Want to Live a Longer Life? Scientists Have Found the Workout to Help You Do It
It's so easy to get caught up in the new buzzy workout trend. With boutique fitness studios popping up on every corner, there are tons of...
It's More Than Just A Workout: How Yoga Can Benefit Your Mind & Body
So you've been practicing your down-dog for a while and are OM-ing with the best of them, but did you know yoga has a ton of benefits you...