How Much Exercise is Needed to Fight Off Depression? Science Has the Answer

It's widely known that there is a clear correlation between exercise and depression. Many doctors recommend meditation and a good sweat sesh to help ward off some of the symptoms of depression but according to a recent article from Well+Good, scientists have discovered the exact amount of exercise needed to get those benefits-- and the number is LOW.
According to the article, "After monitoring both the exercise levels and depression and anxiety symptoms of 33,908 Norwegian adults during an 11-year period, researchers found 12 percent of depression cases could be prevented completely with only one hour of exercise each week... And, though a 12 percent success rate doesn’t reflect an overwhelming majority, it’s totally enough evidence to support spending an hour a week at the gym (in case you needed another reason to do so)."
"These findings are exciting because they show that even relatively small amounts of exercise—from one hour per week—can deliver significant protection against depression.”
The lead author of the study, Samuel Harvey, PhD. wrote in a press release, "This is the first time we have been able to quantify the preventative potential of physical activity in terms of reducing future levels of depression,.. These findings are exciting because they show that even relatively small amounts of exercise—from one hour per week—can deliver significant protection against depression.”
With findings like this, you owe it yourself to hit the gym for at least an hour a week no matter how busy you are! Whether its an hour of yoga (which has tons of mind/body benefits), a quick run (which also boosts your longevity), or another workout of choice, just get moving.
Bonus tip: Fuel up on foods shown to help ease inflammation, such as turmeric!